Skin Peels

Discover the transformative power of skin peels, a renowned cosmetic procedure designed to rejuvenate and revitalise your skin. Skin peels, also known as chemical peels, offer a non-invasive solution to various skin concerns, from acne scars to hyperpigmentation, delivering smoother, more radiant skin with each treatment.

Skin Peels: Enhancing Skin Texture and Tone Through Chemical Exfoliation

Skin peels involve the application of a chemical solution to the skin, which causes exfoliation and peeling of the outer layers. This process stimulates cell turnover, promotes collagen production, and reveals fresher, healthier skin underneath. Depending on the peel's depth and formulation, they can target specific skin issues, such as fine lines, uneven texture, and sun damage.

Skin peels offer a range of benefits. They improve skin texture by smoothing rough skin texture and refining pores. Additionally, they reduce hyperpigmentation, fading dark spots, melasma, and sun-induced pigmentation. Skin peels also diminish wrinkles, minimising fine lines and wrinkles for a more youthful appearance. Moreover, they help treat acne by controlling acne breakouts and reducing acne scars. Another benefit is that they even skin tone, balancing skin tone and promoting an even complexion.

Types of Skin Peels

Superficial Peels: These peels use mild acids like alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs) to exfoliate the outermost layer of the skin. They are ideal for improving skin texture, reducing mild pigmentation, and enhancing overall skin radiance.

Medium Peels: Medium-depth peels penetrate deeper into the skin, addressing moderate skin imperfections like deeper wrinkles, acne scars, and sun damage. They often utilise trichloroacetic acid (TCA) or a combination of acids for enhanced results.

Deep Peels: Deep peels are the most intensive and penetrate into the middle layer of the skin. They are effective in treating severe sun damage, deep wrinkles, and significant pigmentation issues. Phenol-b

Your Skin Peel Experience

Your skin peel experience begins with a thorough consultation to assess your skin type, concerns, and desired outcomes. During the treatment, the chemical solution is carefully applied to the skin and left for a specific duration before neutralisation. You may experience a mild tingling or warmth during the process. After the peel, your skin may appear red and feel tight, similar to a sunburn. Depending on the peel's depth, you may experience light peeling or flaking as the new skin surfaces. It's essential to follow post-care instructions provided by your skincare professional to ensure optimal results and minimise any potential side effects.


All treatments include an initial consultation and a review appointment after 2 weeks.
Fire & Ice Peel

Intensive clinical treatment designed to rapidly and safely resurface the skin, reducing fine lines and wrinkles while smoothing, softening, and encouraging cellular renewal.

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3 sessions
6 sessions
12 sessions
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Cancer Care Harmony Facial

Gentle and soothing facial designed for cancer patients to address their unique skin care needs and promote healing and relaxation.

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3 sessions
6 sessions
12 sessions
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Foaming Enzyme Optimising Treatment

Combines papaya and pineapple enzymes with a potent clinical-level grade of glycolic acid to produce a luxurious foam that gently exfoliates and deep cleanses the skin.

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3 sessions
6 sessions
12 sessions
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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a skin peel procedure take?

The duration of a skin peel procedure varies based on the type and depth of the peel. Superficial peels typically take around 30 minutes, while deeper peels may require longer treatment times.

Is there downtime after a skin peel?

The downtime after a skin peel depends on the peel's depth. Superficial peels may result in minimal downtime with mild redness, while deeper peels may involve several days of peeling and recovery.

How many skin peel sessions are recommended for optimal results?

The number of skin peel sessions needed depends on your skin concerns and the peel's depth. Your skincare professional will recommend a personalised treatment plan based on your skin's condition.

Are skin peels suitable for all skin types?

Skin peels can be tailored to suit various skin types and concerns. However, it's crucial to undergo a consultation to determine the most suitable peel formulation for your skin.

What are the possible side effects of skin peels?

Common side effects of skin peels include temporary redness, mild swelling, and peeling. Rarely, complications like infection or scarring may occur, but these are highly uncommon when performed by a qualified professional.

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